How Digitization Is Transforming Toxicology

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The toxicology space is going through a radical transformation thanks to tech advances changing how data is generated, analyzed, and applied. Digitization in the toxicology field is also facilitating new computational and experimental methods that offer the potential for better toxicological testing strategies. 

Further, digital technologies in toxicological operations help improve workflows, enhance efficiencies, reduce errors, and deliver faster turnarounds. Today, more and more labs are transitioning from paper-based processes to advanced digital solutions that streamline processes and improve deliverables.

This blog discusses three ways digitization is transforming toxicology.

Digitization in a Nutshell

Digitization involves converting information into a digital or computer-readable format. The process is crucial to data processing, storage, and transmission, as it allows all kinds of information in all formats to transmit with the same efficiency. Digital data typically has a greater potential to share and access easily. People can also propagate it indefinitely without the risk of generation loss.

3 Ways Digitization Transforms Toxicology

The following are some of the ways advanced digital solutions benefit professionals in the toxicology field.

Streamlines Documentation and Security

Digital tools help streamline documentation, improve data traceability, and provide easy access to crucial data from any location. It helps scientists and researchers manage large quantities of data to conduct effective and reliable research. The right digitization tools give scientists the freedom and flexibility to focus more on valuable experiments rather than time-consuming documentation. 

Paper-based workflows typically bear risks around data loss and long-term storage. Digitization leverages multilayer encryption on your databases to reduce the risk of data breaches to a minimum. Since the data is in the cloud, an organization can compress the size of the databases, so they become easy to secure.

Improves Efficiency and Reduces Errors

Advanced technologies can improve the efficiency of current research and development processes dramatically. Digital tools automate tasks and processes to minimize the time taken for procedures while decreasing the chances of human errors. Advanced technologies provide immediate data visibility that the researchers need to optimize their operations and focus on discovery and innovation. 

It allows the information in documents to be published in various ways and made available to a broader audience, so there are no restrictions to access for those who visit the physical site. In the long term, this ultimately translates to enhanced cost efficiencies by saving time and travel costs.

Digitization also enhances transparency in lab chemical management operations. Often, overstocked inventory, lost chemicals, and expired substances go uncovered until there is an audit. Digitization tools can help reduce this waste. It helps locate and manage stock and provides real-time usage data to allow laboratories to monitor chemicals and ensure proper handling and storage.

Enhances Predictive Maintenance

Toxicological laboratories can also leverage digital tools to monitor the performance of crucial assets over their full life cycle. Often, lack of visibility into equipment, such as flasks and freezers, results in unplanned downtime, research delays, and non-compliant documentation. 

Digital tools incorporate artificial intelligence in machine data and processes to provide insights critical to making preventive maintenance and production decisions. It provides access to online systems, platforms, servers, and algorithms that aid predictive maintenance efforts. Tools, such as the digital repository, make it much easier to record audits and access real-time data to aid in sound decision-making. 

Aegex Technologies Is a Trailblazer in Digitization 

Once you go digital, the next step involves selecting the right automation tools to help sustainably meet your goals. Aegex Technologies provides digitization tools that help the oil and gas industry improve efficiencies, enhance predictive maintenance of assets, and autonomously detect leaks in hazardous locations for quick and informed decisions on mitigation measures.

Some of Aegex's digital tools and solutions include the NexVu IoT solution, which features smart sensors, endpoints, and radios to detect and monitor leaks in hazardous locations. The Aegex10 Intrinsically Safe Tablet is a Windows 10-powered platform that provides data-driven predictive maintenance capabilities to help you optimize your preventive maintenance strategies. Contact us to learn more.