
Why is Aegex part of #OCR2018?

Interview with Aegex Technologies CEO Thomas Ventulett

By Aegex Technologies | Thu, October 25, 2018 Read more

Why are NetMotion and Aegex Partnering for #OCR2018?

Learn how Kirra Rice - NetMotion Channel Development & Management - sees her company’s role in #OCR218 and its ongoing partnership with Aegex.

By Aegex Technologies | Thu, October 25, 2018 Read more

ONS 2018 Takeaway: The Digital Transformation is Here and Happening in the North Sea

by Thomas P. Ventulett, CEO, Aegex
Leading a company such as Aegex has afforded me the opportunity to work around the world with some amazing teammates and remarkable customers.

By Aegex Technologies | Wed, September 05, 2018 Read more

IoT Can Help Secure Offshore Operations

Many offshore oil & gas operations are moving through digital transformations, connecting their people and things to improve efficiency and productivity. Some feel that connecting operations to the Cloud exposes organizations to cyber-security breaches and puts critical, private information at risk. A common assumption is that just because something is digital or wireless it’s insecure.

By Aegex Technologies | Tue, August 14, 2018 Read more

Building the Safe IIoT to Drive Performance

IIoT. Cool buzzword in the market today. It’s not a typo. IIoT is the acronym for the Industrial Internet of Things. However, there is one BIG challenge with IIoT in hazardous industrial environments. All the innovative, connected technology must be safe. In industry terms, it must be intrinsically safe.

By Aegex Technologies | Thu, August 02, 2018 Read more

Key Takeaways from Aegex’s Exhibition at OTC 2018

Aegex Technologies demonstrated its IoT Solution for the offshore and maritime industries during the 2018 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), April 30 - May 3, 2018 at NRG Park in Houston, Texas.

By Aegex Technologies | Thu, May 10, 2018 Read more

Learn about an Easy-to-Use IoT Solution at eChem Expo 2018

Don't you wish there was a way to test a complete industrial IoT solution without spending millions or shutting down operations? Now you can, during a live demonstration at eChem Expo 2018 on April 5, OR with a new developers kit from Aegex Technologies.

By Aegex Technologies | Tue, March 27, 2018 Read more

Help Your Employees Be More Engaged: Give Them Digital Transformation Technologies

In an era when digitalization is at the top of every conversation, human interaction with the digital world will remain a critical aspect

By Aegex Technologies | Wed, March 21, 2018 Read more

How to Begin Your Hazardous Area Operation’s Digital Transformation - A conversation with OSIsoft’s Lance Fountaine

Aegex recently hosted Lance Fountaine, principal advisor for business transformation at OSIsoft

By Aegex Technologies | Tue, January 30, 2018 Read more

2018 Brings Big News for Aegex: Expansion and Development

Aegex Technologies closed out 2017 with several big announcements that will continue to propel our intrinsically safe solutions

By Aegex Technologies | Fri, January 12, 2018 Read more